Monday, October 18, 2010

Main Street

After Max's appointment we decided to go to Main Street to enjoy the weather and have a picnic along the Riverfront. I also found a part time job at a new shoe boutique called Shoe La La and I start tomorrow! I can't wait it's been over two years since I worked last. J

2 Year Check Up

Max's official birthday was the 9th, so we took him for his checkup the following Monday. He's already 3 feet tall (88%) for his age and 30 lbs. Anyone want to start bets as of when Max will pass me up in height? ; ) J

Happy 2nd Birthday!

We celebrated Max and Scarlett's birthday on October 2nd. We had quite a large celebration! The entire Zimmermann clan was in town. Thanks to my parents for hosting the party and helping prepare the Italian feast. Also thanks to all my family and friends who were there to help us celebrate! J