Thursday, December 4, 2008

Busy Busy

Wow it seems like we've been so busy lately! On Saturday evening Max had his first visit with the twin girls, Avery and Sydney, since they've been home. The Muresan girls aren't too much older than Max. It's going to be so fun to see how they interact when they're older.
Max and I went out to lunch with some girls from work, Pat and Danielle, on Tuesday and had his first visit with my former work buddies. Max was pretty good for the most part as long as I kept the stroller going. When I went into Macy's all the girls oohed and awed over him. It was great to see everyone I use to work with. I really enjoyed it. Someone asked if I missed working. I don't miss working; I miss all the gossip! And I miss you girls a bunch!
Max seems to be getting bigger and bigger everyday or should I say heavier and heavier! Mommy's arms are getting a work out! All he wants to do is eat all the time. Lately every two hours. I've noticed that some of his newborn clothes are starting to look quite tight and I've been pulling out some of his three months clothes for him to start wearing. I stepped on the scale the other day with him to get an idea of how much he weighs. Max weighs ten pounds now. He goes to the doctor for his two month check up on Tuesday, so we'll see how big he's getting.  J 

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