Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Max Visits the Easter Bunny

I wanted to take Max to the mall to get his photo taken with the Easter Bunny, but when I saw how expensive it would be I said forget it. My Dad's union hosted an Easter celebration for the kiddies, so we went so I could get a free photo op. Alicia and Scarlett were in town so they came along with us and our parents. Scarlett was scared of the Easter Bunny and her photo showed her frightened look. I plopped Max on Mr. Bunny's lap and he didn't seem to care. I think he was more interested in checking everything else out. Oh well, I got my Easter Bunny picture to remember though.  J


Jeanne said...

Creepy bunny!

Maxwell Muresan said...

That's what Mike said! haha

Barbara Eads said...

One eye is as big as Max!! Jess, you really are going to have to join us in our scrapbooking! Wait until you see the layout I did about Max. I'll have to post it on my blog soon.