Wow, where to begin? It seems like so much has been going on lately. The weeks seem to be flying by! Max has been getting close to crawling; he gets on all fours and rocks back and forth. Just yesterday he is sitting up from a lying position. He does a great deal or squealing and babbling "ma ma", "na na" and "da da". And just for the record he said "ma ma" first! Last week he also discovered his tongue, which he likes to stick out. Soon after he began smacking his lips. I think he is beginning his teething phase, which I heard can last for a long time(oh joy), because he's been a little crabbier and whinier than the usual happy Max. It will take some time but I'm working on sending out the 6 month photos of Max. J
We are still in the teething phase...I am convinced it will last until they are 2! He's such a cutie!
The later the better! Teeth + Breastfeeding = Ouch!
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