At the beginning of the month Max was standing and starting to take a couple steps here and there, but over the past weekend he is walking much further distances sometimes six to eight feet. As everyone says I'm sure it won't be long before he's running all over the place! I think my mom was surprised but the amount of energy he had last night when we visited my Grandma McCoy.
I decided it was time to wean Max almost three weeks ago. It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be or should I say he didn't seem to mind. So now that he's bottle fed he's finally sleeping through the night. Although he naps well during the day, his new thing is to fight going to bed at night. Whenever we lay him down he's been crying but a little classical music soothes him and puts him right to sleep.
A couple other things is that Max has seven teeth now, throws mini tantrums when told no and laughs at the television. The other night we watched Toy Story with him and he thought that was pretty funny. There's never a dull moment here! J
Wow, I can't believe he'll be a year next week! Do you have big party plans?? Did you end up doing the Little Gym?
I know it goes by so quick! I can't believe how big Drew and Blake are getting. We're going to have a birthday party with some family and friends. I haven't done the Little Gym yet, but I'm thinking it would be a good idea so he can get out some of his energy.
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