Does he always have this much energy? Yes, yes and YES! Max's days usually consist of running around, chasing the cats, jumping around, climbing on the couch, messing up the rug in the kitchen, playing with the dish washer knobs and trying to figure out how to start it, setting off the oven alarm, a whole lot of climbing, turning the
tv on and off, nibbling on his books when he's not looking at them, etc... For exercise I try to straighten up his toys as fast as possible while he goes behind me messing them up and I'll repeat until I give up. I asked my Mom if Zach had more energy then us girls and she said, "Yes, but not THAT much energy." Phyllis says Mike had the same amount of energy when he was little. On the bright side of things, he's still napping twice a day and is a very happy little guy. So I guess we couldn't ask for more. J