Max is starting to become a bit of a mommy's boy. He'll whine if I'm out of the room for to long, so we usually sit him in his bouncer so he can watch me cook or get ready to make him content. He has been eating cereal for about two weeks now and eats a bowl every evening. He'll get fussy if I don't shovel it in fast enough and will grab on to my hands to help me guide the spoon to his mouth. It is very cute to watch. The other evening he rolled himself over from back to stomach. Discovering his feet has probably helped him master this stage of rolling over. This week was also the big move to the crib. Max use to sleep in the pack in play in our room but I figured it was time to move him to his crib. I thought it was going to be a horrible transition but it went pretty smoothly. So far so good. I think it was harder for me them him. J
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Four and A Half Months Old
Max is starting to become a bit of a mommy's boy. He'll whine if I'm out of the room for to long, so we usually sit him in his bouncer so he can watch me cook or get ready to make him content. He has been eating cereal for about two weeks now and eats a bowl every evening. He'll get fussy if I don't shovel it in fast enough and will grab on to my hands to help me guide the spoon to his mouth. It is very cute to watch. The other evening he rolled himself over from back to stomach. Discovering his feet has probably helped him master this stage of rolling over. This week was also the big move to the crib. Max use to sleep in the pack in play in our room but I figured it was time to move him to his crib. I thought it was going to be a horrible transition but it went pretty smoothly. So far so good. I think it was harder for me them him. J
Discovering His Feet
Strong Legs
The other day I put Max in his crib so he could watch his mobile while I did a couple things around the house. When I returned this is how I found him! He had some how managed to kick his legs out of his pajamas. Max has very strong legs and seems to always be moving them around. Watch out when you're changing him because he might give you a quick kick to the stomach!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Max's First Bowl of Cereal
The other day Max's doctor gave us the go-ahead to start with cereal. She told us not to be surprised if he spit it out and only ate a teaspoon. I also read this and that to try to introduce cereal before breastfeeding. So, I anxiously awaited for Mike to arrive home because he couldn't miss out on Max's first cereal experience! The first couple spoonfuls he kinda let the cereal ooze out of his mouth, but Max quickly got the hang of it! He actually got pretty excited, waving his arms around, and kept trying to grab or swat the spoon out of my hand. He kept on slurping away till he finished in record time! J

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
4 Months Old
Yesterday Max turned four months old. We went to his checkup to see how much our little guy has grown. Max's growth record:
Weight: 14 pounds and 4 oz. 38%
Length: 25 1/4 inches 64%
Head: 41.6 cm 33%
Mike had taken the day off work, so after the doctor's visit we went to his work so he could show Max off to all his fellow workers. Although he was a little crabby we made it through the visit without any major meltdowns! J
Weight: 14 pounds and 4 oz. 38%
Length: 25 1/4 inches 64%
Head: 41.6 cm 33%
Mike had taken the day off work, so after the doctor's visit we went to his work so he could show Max off to all his fellow workers. Although he was a little crabby we made it through the visit without any major meltdowns! J
Max Playing
Since Max had been getting stronger and holding his head up better, he has graduated to some more exciting toys. This past week he's been practicing sitting in his bebePOD more often and seems to enjoy viewing the world from a new perspective. Mike and I also decided that we thought it was time for little Max to try out his Baby Einstein jumper. So Mike put it together this weekend. Although Max isn't bouncing around yet, he seemed to get a kick out of all the toys and bright colors the jumper had to offer. And of course there was slobber all over the place! J

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