Monday, June 15, 2009

8 Months Old

Max turned eight months old almost a week ago. I've been meaning to update the blog but have been too busy chasing him around! He crawls really fast and is pulling himself up on anything he can find. Either Mike or I sit on the floor with him whenever he is playing to supervise. Talk about tiring! Whenever Mike gets home from work he'll lay on the floor and Max will crawl and bite all over him. We call it the Daddy Gym. It's funny to watch.
It seems like recently Max has so much energy and is napping less, but is going to bed earlier and sleeping much longer at night, so I guess it all balances out. He's finally sleeping unswaddled to.
He's been eating more. We've added another meal, so he eats solids four times a day. We're just starting to experiment with finger foods but he does love his baby snacks: yogurt melts, cereal puffs and biter cookies. I'll put some puffs or melts on his tray and he'll try to shove a whole handful in his mouth! He still hasn't quite figured out his sippy cup but will drink a bit of water with help. J

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